We are seeking dance artists to join Shape It LAB (Online)

This online LAB offers a creative exchange opportunity for artists who have limited or no experience in creating and presenting work to children. Focusing on questions that makers could consider when presenting dance to young audiences, the LAB will involve conversations with industry experts, interactions with groups of families, testing and questioning key areas of interest and reflecting and exploring your ideas and others. The LAB will build on topics addressed in last year’s LAB. We welcome applications from new artists as well as those who attended in 2021.
The online LAB is part of Shape It, a project which aims to broaden the audience for contemporary dance in Europe. We will do this by inviting early career dance makers in Europe to consider how an existing performance can be reconsidered for an audience of young people. Through development labs, residencies, and touring, we will support artists to re-imagine the audience for their work.
Shape It oline LAB is for artists who:
- Have been creating performance work in a professional setting for a minimum of 3 years (occasionally less experienced artists are included)
- Are based in the UK, Finland, Italy and Czech Republic
- Have an idea for research or a piece that would be aimed at young people or family audiences with children aged 3+ (this can be new work or an adaptation of an existing one)
- Are working with any kind of performance with movement at the core
- Will be ready to share some of their ideas with us at the end of the LAB
- Can demonstrate how the LAB will benefit them as an artist
- Are ambitious to challenge themselves, their collaborators and us
Online Lab is planned on January 26 - January 27, from 11:00 - 15:00 (both dates).
Deadline for application: Monday 13 December 2021, midnight .
More about the project, about the LAB, and about the application: HERE